Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'll miss this, I'll miss this not...

So as I go about my regular ol' life lately... I find myself evaluating aspects of my daily experience in terms of whether or not I think I will miss them during my upcoming departure from the Estados Unidos. I've decided to make a list. This is that list.

Things I fully expect to NOT miss while away:

1) Traffic: Excuse me, Tarrant County. What, what, what are you doing?! I have spent a LOT of time driving this summer and this past school year, which is bad enough without the HORRIBLE CONSTRUCTION that is going on literally everywhere. Highways 820, 183, 121, 114, 35W, even 26? GET. IT. TOGETHER. Who on earth is in charge of making these kinds of decisions? Allowing that many highways to be under construction at the same time is irresponsible and borderline insane. Occasionally it takes me an hour to travel 15 miles, which is obviously unacceptable. I just... I just can't. Someone please FIX THIS by the time I get back.

2) Walmart:* I lose a chunk of my soul every time I walk in the door. I think someday I may make a real effort to never go again, but as of yet I have not been able to achieve that. I mean, a trip to Walmart is enough to make you lose your faith in humanity. For instance, recently while I was attempting to reach a self-checkout kiosk, a Walmart employee first said something unintelligible to me and then stood in my way, staring at me in a manner both confused and confusing. Upon my kind request, she would not repeat her mumbled demand, but just... stood there. Staring. What are you even supposed to do about that?

Here are some photos taken by me in real Walmart stores
 for your enjoyment/discomfort:

Spray paint is legally supposed to be locked up.
Obviously Walmart in Duncanville, Texas
thinks that law was meant to be broken.

This particular fashion item confuses me.

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, there are rarely more than two lines open.

This product is just creepily packaged.

To be fair, I feel like this would be $1.98 well-spent.

3) The ten pounds I will (hopefully? somehow? please?) lose by not eating fast food, drinking soda, or indulging in huge American portions: Okay this one is just kind of wishful thinking, probably, because in reality I will probably find an extra ten pounds by way of pain au chocolat.

4) Election 2012: I'm sorry. I just can't take it anymore. Someone call me when it's all over.

5) Pitbull (Dale!)

6) Jersey Shore and all associated acts

7) Trucks with ridiculous tires

8) All-consuming work weeks (was that just me?)

Things I will definitely miss:

1) Mexican food (aka TexMex): I know France and Europe has wonderful food to offer, and I assure you I will enjoy my fair share. But you can bet your bottom USD that some form of TexMex will be my first meal upon my return. (To be fair, I will also miss Texas burgers and barbecue, but not as much as TexMex.)

2) Being able to get almost anything at almost anytime

3) Target: Unlike Walmart, Target is the source of all that is good and right and beautiful in the world.

Thanks KH for this hilarious picture,
who passed it along from the blog,
written/illustrated by Amber Dusick. (Check it out!)

4) Turning on the TV/radio and being able to understand every word

5) The chance that you might just see a man riding a horse in the middle of your regular life

... like on your walk at the neighborhood park

6) Texas sunsets: I know the sun sets everywhere. But not everywhere does it set like this:

Buffalo Springs (outside Lubbock) 2007

Fort Worth 2010

Fort Worth 2012

7) Peanut butter: Everyone who knows me knows I LOVE peanut butter. Europeans, however? Not so big on peanut butter, so you can't find it very many places. I especially adore chocolate and peanut butter together... someone please mail me some Reese's holiday shapes once they come out?

8) DFW sports: I admittedly do not watch every game, but I still feel comforted and at home knowing that there's almost always a Cowboys, Rangers, or Mavs** game to watch. And also, let's face it, we've had an exciting past couple years! I hope that we have some great seasons this year... but I'll be sad to miss the excitement.

9) Two words: Magnolia. Mae.

I mean, for real. Look at that Nolie face.

10) Big girl paychecks

11) All of the family and friends that I love here in Texas (and other places across the States, namely Louisiana): This is obvious. More than anything else I will miss seeing/hearing the voices of/being able to call or even text pretty much everyone I love anytime I want (despite the fact that, unfortunately, my schedule often prohibits me from doing so). I am blessed beyond measure with the sheer number of both quality family members and amazing friends that I have and (at least somewhat) regularly talk to/see. I mean really, I have some world-class loves of my life who continue to love me despite seeing me in all different stages of life (and through all different flavors of Katyness, for better or worse). I have always been independent, but I know full well that at various points in time I will ache to be near these people. And then errrrbody in the club's gettin' Skyped! :)

I know this list isn't complete, but that's all I've got for now. Sooo what do y'all think? What things would you miss/not miss if you were (or are) leaving home for a while?

*I do realize that at some point(s) during this year, I will want to purchase something at 11 pm and it will not be an option. In that moment, I will wish for a Walmart. I understand this.

**Okay, or Stars. Whatever. Let's pretend I understand/watch hockey.


  1. Katy,
    This list is great! I am right there with you on the Reese's and tex mex.

    We will miss you too! Though it's been awhile since our last rendezvous (since Krystin started med school a year ago... What?) we miss hearing about the crazy (mis)adventures of miss Katy!

  2. Katy, oh Katy. Most of all I will miss your sarcastic wit. Expect Skypes and mail. Love you!
