Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mamma Mia!

Well, first of all, I haven't posted much about my life in Narbonne lately, and that's because things have been busy! I have (finally) started working, and I am enjoying it! There's a lot of variety as I work with lots of different classes, and the teachers I work with are really great. I feel really lucky because I've heard some interesting stories from some other assistants in other cities. I will write later about all my teaching adventures so far, and what my job is like. (Which, by the way, is mostly awesome. At least so far.)

Second of all, why is this post called Mamma Mia?

1) A little shout out to my mom, who sent me two packages with things I really needed/wanted from home!

Ta-da! All the way from Texas! :)

It's been a week. I have two left. I'd say that's pretty good.

2) An announcement: I have a two-week vacation starting tomorrow for All Saint's Day, or Toussaint. That's right, people. I've worked for two weeks and I am now getting a two-week vacation. (And, hopefully, a paycheck on Monday.) Where, you might ask? Let me give you a couple of hints...

Never heard of this book, but hope it's good!
Shout out to Frank Bordoni!
Someone go buy this book.

You don't have to buy this movie if you don't want to.

That's right, people! You guessed it. 

Tomorrow morning, I leave for Italy and Greece for a 15-day trip with my friend Kimberly! I'm KIND OF excited. Tentative plans: Milan - Venice - Athens - Naples - Rome - Florence. It's going to be amazing. I'm off to pack... Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear more about your experiences teaching! Yay for a two week vacation-that's awesome! Glad you are taking advantage of it and getting to see some more of the world. My sister went to Italy and Greece this summer and had an amazing time and saw so many 'old' things. I'm pretty jealous ;)

    Matt and I would love to be able to send you a Christmas package... Do you have a good address that we can send it to? I'm trying to think about what to send, but then I realize that everything I would think to send you from America is actually something that would be better in France (chocolate, lotion, clothes, etc). So are there any special American things that you're missing, besides Reese's?

    -Mattie and Matt
