Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The most-improved award goes to... Narbonne!

Well, Narbonne and I, we've had our ups and downs already. We're getting to know each other quite well by now. If you didn't see on my Facebook, the weather was HORRIBLE over the weekend. Horrible. Cold, rainy, windy. Bienvenue en France, ha! (I thought the south of France was supposed to be warm?!)

However, now it's beautiful outside, my friends and I are in the middle of figuring things out (phones, bank accounts, and bus cards, oh my!), and generally things are improving. It'll be better once everything is settled and I have a routine, as if I actually live here or something! :) Looking at the possibility of renting an apartment soon; one can hope!

Anyway, I want to write you all a post about mes aventures narbonnaises, but I will wait until AFTER I'm finished taking care of some more business. For now, here are some pretty pictures for you!

une boulangerie = bread bakery
une pâtisserie = pastry bakery
une boulangerie-pâtisserie = best of both worlds!

une belle maison

le Palais des Archevêques (the Palace of the Archbishops)/
l'Hôtel de Ville (city hall)

Rue Juan Juarès, which runs along the canal
(and here is just next to the Hôtel de Ville, which you can see on the right)

standing on the Quai Vallière looking down the Canal de la Robine,
which is a branch of the Canal du Midi that runs throughout the region

Honestly, I like to joke, but I am very, very happy with where I am. I am excited about my year, my new friends, and my pretty little town that's becoming my own. Things are just super busy and kind of complicated when you're trying to settle in! More to come soon, or as soon as my Internet situation will allow!

Oh, and shout out to my BFF Amy, whose birthday is today! JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! :)

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