Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ode to Odette

I'd like to take a minute to give giant props (that she will never, ever read) to Odette. Odette is the ringleader of my Thursday night students, which includes Odette, Gilbert, Danièle, and Marie-Émilie. They're an older, very formal group who have taken English lessons together from me this year. They've been so kind and warm to me, and through them I've gotten to know even more about French culture.

I've mentioned them in a few posts, but they're featured in the posts about Perpignan and Collioure, where they so kindly took me for day trips.

Danièle, Gilbert, their friend who hung out with us for the day in Collioure, Odette, me, Marie-Émilie

Odette is the one who initially contacted me (through one of my teacher colleagues at school), and she's the one who always came to pick me up and generally served as liaison for the group. On our day trips, she'd find historical facts and information about our destination, print them out, and hand-number the pages. (YEAH she's that cute.)

Well, before I head off for my end-of-the-year travels, Odette wanted us all to go to dinner. Something happened, and the other three were busy (but we're planning on meeting when I come back in May) and so it was just Odette and me. Last Thursday (the 18th), she came and picked me up and we went for a promenade en voiture to the beach. We drove to Gruissan plage at sunset, and it was nice.

We then drove along the étangs at sunset, and it was beautiful.

That tower on the left is the Tour Barberousse, or Redbeard Tower, at Gruissan. It's all that remains of an old fort that used to watch over the harbor at Narbonne. It's named for (you probably guessed it) Redbeard the pirate.


driving along the Canal du Midi at dusk

Then, Odette told me that she was taking me to the Grands Buffets for dinner! Now, we assistants had always talked about going to this all-you-can-eat buffet attached to the Espace Liberté, but it was kind of pricey for us. Imagine my delight at being told that's where we were headed! Let me tell you, I did indeed eat all I could eat.

There's Odette!

You betta believe it.

It was so sweet of Odette to take me to dinner that night, and to arrange all that she did this year. I have so appreciated my time with these sweet Thursday night students, and all that they've done for me. They way they talk and interact and live is so different from all of the other French people I've known, and it was so interesting to be included among them. Un grand merci to Odette, not only for this lovely evening but for taking the initiative to find me and forge this connection with this group of people. I'm so thankful she did!

And let's not forget how Odette introduced me to her friends in Collioure: "Notre chère Kate, qui a illuminé notre hiver." ("Our dear Kate, who has illuminated our winter.")

I mean, come on with that. J'adore.

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