Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Calling all future assistants!

I've gotten a few questions posted to me from future (2013-2014) assistants, which has given me what I hope is a good idea. If you're a future TAPIFer, and you've got questions, post a comment on this post and I'll collect 'em and answer them! I'm traveling right now, so it might take a minute, but I will get to them and answer them all in one place!

If no future TAPIFers are reading this, well, then, I just look silly, but what's new? :)

UPDATE: If you're a future TAPIFer and you've found this post, please see the response post "FAQ, enfin!


  1. Hello, Katy! Just wanted to start by saying how inspiring and enjoyable your blog is! I've been apprehensive about the TAPIF program, but I definitely can say that I feel much more at ease since I've started reading your blog. Merci mille fois! :)

    Few questions for you!

    1.) Typically, how much money should a prospective "TAPIFer" save before heading to France? I know that a lot of variables are at play here, but assuming one wanted to travel as frequently as you did, what would you recommend?

    2.) How much would you say your French has improved since you moved to France? That's one of the main reasons I'm doing this!

    3.) How have you changed as a person from this experience? Positives and negatives!! (Hehe.)

    4.) How do you think your teaching style has changed over the past 8 months?

    5.) Eight months abroad seems like an incredibly long period of time, especially for someone like me who has never really been away from family for that long. How did you cope with being away from family/friends?

    That's all I have for now!

  2. I hope you post all of your answers on the blog, because I'd like to read what you respond to the questions above. Just wanted to say that I will be doing TAPIF next year and I really enjoy your blog!!

  3. Hi Katy - thanks for this opportunity! I've been reading your blog since seeing it posted on the TAPIF Facebook page, and it's been so informative and fun! Like the poster above, I'd also be interested in your thoughts/experiences on how much to expect French language to improve. I'm sure there's some degree of "you get what you put in." Any ideas of activities beyond the day-to-day of this program to pick up and further improve language skills? Also, do you generally speak English with the other assistants? I'm sure I will come up with more questions, but I'll start with that :) Thanks!!

  4. Hello! I also love your blog, it's one of my favorite TAPIF blogs, and one of the few I am actually subscribed to :) It definitely helped in my decision to do this next year.

    What would you say was the most difficult/frustrating thing you had to do when you first arrived?

  5. Hi Katy!
    This is mostly a repeat comment but just so you have all the questions together...
    1. When did you arrive in France? How long before Oct 1st?
    2. What did your 12 hour schedule look like? (I've been assigned Lille too!)
    3. What did you do about cellphone & Internet? Did you bring a cellphone? laptop? iPad?
    4. Did you need your birth certificate translated?
    5. Did you need a copy of your shot record? Translated?
    6. What did take with you? Clothes, of course but...Sheets? Towels?

    Thanks for sharing! Safe travels!

  6. Hi Katy, I'm enjoying your blog! I have also been placed in Narbonne next year! Do you have any tips for finding an apartment?

  7. Hi Katy - I already posted above, but thought of another question... As I'm thinking about what to pack, I'm wondering what I should plan to wear for work at the schools?? Not sure if it matters, but I will be in a primary school. Thanks!!
